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Life Skills | Improve Yourself By Learning - Prudential Myanmar

What Stress Management Skills Should I Learn?

By this time, you may have tried some steps to take charge of your stress, but may not have found them to be very useful. There are many things you could add your current list of stress management techniques: 

1. Eat better

A healthy and balanced diet is not only great for your body, but it also brings improvements to your frame of mind. Try to reduce your snacking on comfort foods with empty calories and focus on wholesome meals each day. Many tasty foods, including kiwi, walnuts, salmon, grapes, kale, oatmeal, and others have positive effects on mood and stress. 

2. Sleep better

Not getting enough rest can lead to a shorter memory, slower reaction time, and difficult in focusing, all of which can make you feel more stressed during the day. If you can spare the time, have a short nap to make you feel more alert and to help your mental function after you wake up. 

3. Drink healthier

Drink less alcohol and caffeine. Both can make you react more emotionally to stress and can impact your quality of sleep. Think about drinking green or chamomile tea as healthier alternatives. 

4. Keep a journal

This method has proven very useful in easing stress. Journals can be used in many ways, whether writing your daily thoughts and events, expressing your feelings and gratitude, or drawing or sketching.

5. Watch your posture

Keep your body in the right posture throughout the day. If you spend your time sitting in a chair, sit in a way that keeps your spine straight and feet flat on the floor. Roll your shoulders back so you are not hunched and keep your head lined up with your spine. 

6. Try breathing exercises 

Deep, slow breathing while counting to 10 is a simple way to ease stress. You can do breathing exercises at any place and at any time; they’re quick and helpful for controlling emotions that may contribute to rising stress levels